Sunday, September 25, 2022

speechless (How to help someone who is grieving)

Heyy blog..since i promise myself to start writing in this online diary,yeaa here i know what..last week i witness another lost in the ICU..Parents lost their precious babygirl..such a heart-wrenching moment..i don't even know them but when i listen to their cries, how they missed their baby girl and so on..tears are falling from my eyes like a parent should ever lost a  child..They say that no parent should bury their child..

Guys..if you have friends or family that gone through such lost, i want to share something that i taught might help a we go 

You’ve taken the first step by just wondering how you can help your loved one.

Here are some ways you can support them now and in the future.

1. Listen

Perhaps one of the main legacies from Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and her work is the importance of listening to the grieving person.

You might have the best intentions and want to provide comforting words. But in some instances, the best support comes from just being there and making it clear that you’re available to listen to whatever — and whenever — they want to share.

It’s also important to accept it if your loved one doesn’t want to talk with you. Give them time and space.

2. Reach out

Not everyone knows how to comfort others. It might be intimidating or overwhelming seeing someone you care about have a rough time.

But don’t let these fears stop you from offering help or from being there. Lead with empathy, and the rest will follow.

3. Be practical

Look for ways to ease the weight off your loved one’s shoulders. Explore the areas they might need help managing while they process their loss.

This could mean helping with food preparation or grocery shopping, organizing their room or house, or picking up their children from school.

4. Don’t assume

You might want to verbally offer your support and be attentive to whatever they tell you might help them feel better. But avoid assuming or guessing “which step” of the process they’re going through at the moment.

A smiley face or no tears don’t necessarily mean they’re not grieving. A change in their physical appearance doesn’t mean they’re depressed.

Wait for them to express how they feel, if they’re ready, and go from there.

5. Search for resources

You might have the clarity of mind and the energy to browse local support groups and organizations, call an insurance company, and find a mental health professional.

The decision of reaching out for this kind of help is, of course, entirely up to the grieving person. But having the information at hand might save time whenever they’re prepared or willing to take it.

source :

Thursday, September 1, 2022

new rotation ( ICU )

hai bloggg..dear  future me who read again this entry...haha..the one and only reader is me lahh..who else..kahakahkah..OK hari ni start sudah rotation saya di ICU..1 tahun saya kerja di outpatient..8 bulan di Gym dan 4 bulan di bilik Hand and Peadiatric..nah sikarangg kita naik di ICU..kasi exercise patient di ICU..tadi pagi selepas buat Chest Physio sama satu uncle tu, terus staff nurse cakap..uncle kita mandi yaaa...oh ya kalau di ICU memang semua nurse yang buat..kasi mandi,cuci berak kencing caregiver allowed..yalah ICU pulak tu..kalau di general ward bolehlah penjaga yang buat...ok back to the story..bila dengar begitu terus terimbau kisah yang lalu..few years back..belum COVID punya musim lagi..ada satu aunty tu..dia sudah extubated..tapi tidak obey command..kena tanya itu ini, diam jak dia..kena suruh angkat tangan,genggam jari, semua dia tidak ikut...semua risau sudah..sampai doktor plan mau buat CT Brain sbb GCS tidak improve..baaahhaaa..kenapa si aunty ni...kami kasi exercise pun memang x dapat ikut..longlai tangan dia..sekali nurse tu cakap..auntyyy kita mandi aaa...yalah,walaupun patient tidak bagi respon,tetap juga kita cakap sama patient..TIDAK MAUUUU!!!...sekali tariak  si aunty.nyaring lagi suara dia...gara2 mo kena kasi mandi...kami semua terdiam sekejap...terus ramai2 ketawa..astaga!!!rupanya kena PRANK kami oleh si aunty..selama ni rupanya dia nda layan jak..sekali kalah juga dengan mandi..terbongkar helah c aunty!adoiiii..kalau ingat blk mesti sy ketawa sndiri..funny bah!apapun..goodluck to myself..babaiii..
p/s: mmg lepas ni saiz font besar macik inda nampak sudah bahhh..hehehehe..

Wednesday, August 31, 2022


 Hi blog..tadi masa baca2 balik blog,ada satu entry yg betul2 menguji ingatan saya..yalah kan..cerita 11 tahun yang lalu lah katakan..lagi pun saya menulis selalunya secara random jak..jadi memory tu x kuat..jadi, harap2 masa akan datang sy boleh baca balik my online diary ni..bukan untuk saya saja..untuk my babygirl Auni Maisarah..bila sudah besar,sudah pandai baca..boleh la baca2 blog mama ni..manatau masa tu mama sudah tiada dalam dunia ni..hukhukhuk..OKlah..pasal LDR ni...saya sama suami dan anak kira berjauhan lah..sejak tahun 2020..yalah,husband ikut pi sandakan sejak si Auni ni lahir...jadi umur Auni 4 tahun, dorang pindah balik KB..sekarang Auni pun sekolah di KB..mama jak terkontang kanting sendiri di Sandakan..tapi selalu juga dorang datang lawat mama sini sama mama balik KB jumpa Auni..Ok pointnya disini...setiap kali berpisah,kadang2 Auni nangis,kadang2 tidak..mama nangis terussss..ngehhh...mau juga rasanya macam orang lain,rekod video sedih2,nangis2 tapi sampai sekarang saya tidak pernah buat begitu...walaupun saban tahun apply transfer tapi masih dukacita ya gaisss...rekod video tu ada tapi tidaklah sampai post di sosmed...kenapa??sebabnya saya fikir LDR ni pilihan sendiri..we have options..kita boleh buat keputusan yang lain iaitu tidak LDR..but still we chose this..kenapa mau post video nangis2 kalau ini pilihan kita..pilihan cari rezeki..pilih untuk mencari lebih banyak peluang untuk mencari rezeki..tiada yang paksa..dan tidak dipaksa..jadi semua tu kena telan sendiri lah..nangis tetap nangis tapi takat itu jak lahh..banyak juga yang cakap..sanggupnyaaa berpisah sama anak..sanggupnyaaa berpisah sama suami...deiiiii..siapa yang sanggup?tiada yang sanggup kalau suka2...semua mau sama2 dengan family..kan??so bila seseorang telah membuat keputusan sedemikian maknanya mereka ada sebab yang kukuh untuk melakukannya.jadi gaisss support sajalah..jangan kasi tambah down tu're not walking in their're not living in their life..To my babygirl Auni Maisarah..mama love you so much!mama and bapak doing this all for you..doakan mama Auni dapat transfer keluar dari Sandakan ya gaisss...Thanksss

p/s: sorry gaiss..font size blog ni terpaksa kasi basarrrrr sebab mata ni aunty tidak berapa nampak kalau kecil tulisan..rabun dekat rabun jauh all mixed up oredi

Saturday, August 27, 2022

2nd COVID-19

 Hi all..apa khabar..long time no write in this sendu blog..haha..sebenarnya mmg blog ni neglected sdh..who's still blogging nowadays anyway??just mencukupkan syarat setiap tahun ada entry..boleh laa..well bulan ni dalam sejarah, i've contacted with COVID-19 for the second time..last year sdh kena..bulan 8 juga..yenedeiii..saya sambut anniversary kena kobit dengan kena kobit juga..ngehhhh...walau bagaimanapun.. Alhamdulillah syukur pada Allah sy okey2 sahaja..simptom pertama yang saya rasa ialah sakit tekak..tekak rasa kering...pastu 2nd day,saya start demam, runny nose, lemah badan dang rasa sezukkk..chills gitu...besoknya saya buat swab test di hosp dan tadaa positif kobit lahh...ramai tanya,dapat dari mana??saya pun tidak dapat jawab..mungkin dari tempat kerja lah kan?apapun, harap2 kita semua dijauhkan dari virus jahat ni..yang cakap kobit sudah hilang...sorry but not sorry..masih ada ya..kita ja yg kasi buat2 hilang konon tu virus..kalau yang ada simptom tu jgn lah berhuhahua sana sini..dan angka kes harian tu sebenarnya lagi tinggi sebab ada yang x lapor..adaaaaa...ada lagi yang mengakuuuu....pigi hospitallll lagi buat rawatannnn...hmmmmm...sebab tu saya tidak hairan infected with kobit ni...apapun..syukur alhamdulillah semua sudah berlalu..take care guysss..byee

speechless (How to help someone who is grieving)

Heyy blog..since i promise myself to start writing in this online diary,yeaa here i know what..last week i witness another lost in t...