Tuesday, September 7, 2010

tunggang langgang

i feel cheated..betrayed!
i can smell the hypocrisy in the air..
makes me hard to breath..
tears are falling from my eyes..
it hurts me so much!!

1 comment:

Pa'al said...

zie, saat2 itu tjadi. dont cry too much. be positive jgn fikir byk sgt dulu, sbab kdg2 apa yg kita dengar, nampak tu hanya luaran jak..cerita di sebaliknya kita kena tunggu penjelasan dr pihak yg terlibat gitu..chewahhhh, pecayala..klu kita cool, things wont hurt so bad!...hehehe

apa2 pun kan, its part of life yg harus kita terima bila sda tua2 gini..kan?

salam aidilfitri zie...salam sayangg

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